Thursday, August 14, 2008

technical description - S01

Components of technical description.


Indicate the object that you want to describe.

Give a general description of its function and importance.

add background information (if necessary)


Discuss the parts, design or characteristics.

Include effective graphics.•

Labels the parts.


restate the main components.


TheSilent said...

Technioal description,oh my...(~.~)"

this is the tough lesson ever,it's hard to explain and describe something or product technically and precisely rather than describe it just at the surface...But I'll try to open my eyes and understand how to describe a product technically then,because this is part of my task for my future job...especially if I'm working with machine,selling product,producing new product and else in industry...

So,I hope I can do technical description in the future if I,ve to do so...

Anonymous said...

technical description..
sounds interesting and easy but wuhuu, its quite tough and complicated..
you have to explain everything in details..
its quite difficult to learn in the beginning but you will understand it wihtin a moment huhu..
well i really hope i can write well in technical description and can describe to other peoples in simplest way but detailed..
this is important to me when i start to work with other peoples esp in industries..

illiana kakde said...

hear wuT teacheR say..
like so easy..
but,when need to do it.
so difficult..
i will try the best
to do the best description
good luck for me..

Anonymous said...

tecnical descrition????
how to desribe about this lesson??at first time i'm hear the word TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION...oh so boring..nO!nO!nO!huhu...i'm not understand what will be learn..and so scared to learn's sound like so easy but quite difficult actually...huhu..however,after madam taught me..i realized a technical decription is a good lesson..although sometimes its so boring...hehehe

爱丽丝 said...

yin boon said..
haizzz..technical writting..i am not interesting this topic.This is because i am the person who not like to writting in english arr...hahahaa..=)hope i can change my mind after this lesson is finish..

Anonymous said...

Technical description subtopic is actually an interesting topic to be learnt. Through this topic we are able to know more about the thing or the property that we have choosen.

sk_cute said...

Technical description is important to be learnt because it teach us on how to explain the products with details. The explaination given should not be longer but then should be easy to understand and intersting.

kodok said...

not tough,from this lesson we can know how to make an essay, speech or otherwise.simple and interesting...

such a basic learning...i feel that i have been standart 1 or in kindergarten.hahaha

Anonymous said...

So tough...that day i think i did the bad work in my presentation for the technical description...maybe i still not be ready for it and i'm lack of confidence in front of people . Anyway , i will learn from it , no matter is write in description or presentation , i also must pay more effort on it so that i can do the good work .

~conangirlz~ said...

assalamualaikum...when first time i see the word technical desription, first thing in my mind is seems like very difficult to explain..what can i do????it is like very technically to explain..and now after my beloved lecturer explain, i know how to do..thanks to my lecturer..i try to do my best in this subject..

~conangirlz~ said...

assalamualaikum...when first time i see the word technical desription, first thing in my mind is seems like very difficult to explain..what can i do????it is like very technically to explain..and now after my beloved lecturer explain, i know how to do..thanks to my lecturer..i try to do my best in this subject..

atique said...

emmm technical description???????

so interesting to learn.but in my opinion it quit difficult to learn. why i say like this??it is because firts time i learn technical description im very boring2 or...hehehe some times i feel i want to sleep in my class.if i can bring the pillow and bad i can do it..huhu but when i know tecnical description is very important especially for my future i will try improve myself..So, for my friend dont say the technical discription so difficult to learn. And say 'technical description is a lover'hehehehehehehe thanks all...

atique said...


now i want to explain about its....

Technical Description Definition
The word distributor can be defined into three different meanings. The first meaning, one that distributes, is the easiest to see since distribution comes from the word distribute. Distribution can also be defined as a wholesaler, or one that markets a commodity. The last definition of distribution is an apparatus in the ignition system that distributes the proper amount of electrical voltage to each spark plug at the correct sequence and time. The word is form the 15th century and it is pronounced di-‘stri-by&-t&r. Distributor is a Middle English word that is derived from Latin distributus, past particle of distribuere, from dis- + tribuere to allot.

Every automobile from today’s era has a distributor. The distributor is the major component of the ignition system. The distributor is on either the side or the top of your engine, or up near the firewall (Crouse 304). The distributor looks somewhat like an octopus since it has wires that come out from the top of the cap. The distributor is designed to make and break the ignition primary circuit, a low-tension circuit, and to distribute the resultant high voltage to the proper cylinder at the correct time. The high voltage comes from the coil. The coil is a transformer


Anonymous said...

Technical description

In this lesson “technical description” I very interested. The teacher teaching us how to descript an item to make it be easier to understand. In this lesson , I have learn a lot of descript words. There are improve my vocabulary. Finally, I thanks to my technical English teacher.

ana said...



for me, technical description is one of the best topic..
during our lesson, this topic look easy and seam like easy essay..
after do it,
what i need to write..
i need to explain about an object.
i will do it because it is so important for me

Dyana said...

when my lecturer talk about technical description,the first thing that po-up from my mind is what i had to describe and how to describe it.After the lesson, i just can imagine how to do the tasks and start to love it..i really like technical description because its all about explaination. i have to explain every single part of the object. Just like we have to know everything about the object.I really enjoyed this lesson even though sometimes its make me felt sleepy.About the technical decription presentation..i had give my best effort on it.But, i think that, i stil have to learn more on how to speak at the public.
Here i would like to thanks to my lecturer,madam normala for this lesson.

Dyana said...

Road Safety Danger Signs

taking a driving holiday? watch out for these everyday hazards..

TIREDNESS. Plan long journey so that you get a good night's sleep before and take a break at least every two hours.

MOBILE PHONES. Test show that even making a hands-free call dents you reaction time to road hazards

NO SEAT BELTS. Dont's you think you're safe because you have air bags : they've been shown to be eight time less effective than seat belts.

THAT GOES FOR THE BACK TOO. If rear passengersaren't wearing seat belts, the people in the front are five times likelier to die in accident.

LOUD ,FAST MUZIC. It's effect your reactions. The British RAC Foundations names Wanger's "Ride of the Valkyries" as one of the most dangerous driving tunes.

DYSLEXIA. Not much you can do about it, but one study suggest dyslexia might effect reactions as much as moderate drinking session.

Dyana said...

The newest smart phones, especially those with Bluetooth, Microsoft and Symbians software, are the most likely target of hightech viruses. So,the easiest and cheapest way to stop viruses from spreadingis to take some simple precaution:
~make bluetooth invisible by setting it "non-discoverable" or "hidden".Just make it visible when needed.
~delete all unsolicited messages without opening them.
~always say no if your phone asks to install a program that you are not familiar with

so..friends, beware of it and do't take it easy.

mita said...

i like describe things,persons,or anything. The main part of my description is the discussion of each part or characteristic.At some point in a description, it is useful to summarize the operation or process associated with the object we are describing. So, here i learn on how to describe a thing with different characters, shapes and colors.